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Open with God Book - House Group
Open with God Book - House Group
by Christine Odell
HOUSE GROUP Prayers for Various Occasions Reading John 16.16-24 Place a large candle where everyone can see it, but light it later. We spend a few moments in silence reminding ourselves that we have come here to learn from God’s word and one another what it means to follow Christ…
GOD's rich Pattern - One small step along the way
GOD's rich Pattern - One small step along the way
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
One small step along the way Ralph regularly attended our local Methodist church. He had come a long way spiritually because now his visits were not just when I was preaching. When taking Holy Communion our minister always brought the bread and the wine to our pew and offered it …
glimpses of glory - The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
glimpses of glory - The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
by SPCK - David Adam
The Sunday Next Before Lent Almighty Father God of grace and goodness, awaken us to your glory, that our lives may reflect your radiance, that we may share in your likeness, and in walking in the way of Christ our Lord may reveal your love to the world; through the same Christ ou…
In The Desert Lands A Shout (with music)
In The Desert Lands A Shout (with music)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This Advent hymn is based on the prophecy of Second Isaiah, fulfilled with the coming and ministry of Saint John the Baptist. Like him, we are heralds of the Lord charged with preparing a way for Christ to enter hearts and minds in our generation.
Simply Good News - Foolish, Scandalous or Good
Simply Good News - Foolish, Scandalous or Good
by SPCK - N T Wright
2 Foolish, Scandalous or Good? The man was a Jew, born and bred in what is now south-eastern Turkey. He was called Saul, a Hebrew name that, in his Jewish culture, had ancient royal associations. In Greek, however (Greek was the standard language around the Mediterranean world, l…
Sometimes words are not enough
Sometimes words are not enough
by John Birch
Sometimes words are not enough to express the language of our hearts, sometimes minds are filled with prayers without expression. Sometimes there are not enough spare moments in each day, sometimes regret is all we have as our confession. Sometimes faith is not enough ... Continu…
Mere Apologetics - Introduction
Mere Apologetics - Introduction
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Introduction This book is an introduction to apologetics—the field of Christian thought that focuses on the justification of the core themes of the Christian faith and its effective communication to the non-Christian world. It commends a mindset of engagement, encouraging Christi…
Great Christian Thinkers - 69 St. Catherine of Siena
Great Christian Thinkers - 69 St. Catherine of Siena
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Catherine of Siena We now reflect on a woman who played an eminent role in the history of the Church: St. Catherine of Siena. The century in which she lived - the fourteenth - was a troubled period in the life of the Church and throughout the social context of Italy and Europ…
13 results